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Feb 7, 2022, 11 tweets

Auburn Hills City Council is considering their "local transit options" which might include opting out of @smartbusorg.

More than a dozen people in attendance with no effort to provide any seating. Will be given 1 minute each to comment. Told to keep disturbances down.

Public comments have included @oaklandu students, former @AuburnHillsMI workers, nearby residents who use the AH buses, and people throughout the area concerned about maintaining essential transit services.

The new General Manager of @smartbusorg spoke briefly about their willingness to address the concerns from @AuburnHillsMI about slow bus maintenance and communications.

Here are the options they're considering:

Their cheapest option would cut all fixed route service and only provide paratransit M-F with just 5 vehicles.

Mayor complains that only a few hundred people ride fixed route and that Great Lakes Crossing said losing SMART would have "little to no impact." Robust debate.

Frustrating to hear a relatively supportive councilman say, "I'm lucky enough to not have to ride the bus. We got 4 or 5 cars." Right after explaining that his son loves riding transit in Boston and the Bay area.

Lots of debate but they don't seem to look at their own numbers - they can't save money without eliminating service for all non-disabled residents!

This is what their team recommends. Elimanate service for everyone but seniors and people with disabilities.

MTG RESULT: The @AuburnHillsMI City Council decided to direct their attorney to draft up ballot language to run their own 0.5 mil tax to run senior sevices - with the assumption they will OPT-OUT of SMART.

But the opt-out decision is not final.

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