Francesco Comito Profile picture
ITA 🇮🇹 - Focus on Holy Land - 20-year-old - Admin of and - UNIBO Forlì - SID

Feb 9, 2022, 8 tweets

BREAKING: Video of ambulances at the entrance to the city of Umm al-Fahm after hearing a huge explosion.

BREAKING: According to foreign reports, the Israeli Air Force had attacked a number of targets in the Damascus area as part of the MBM - many explosions are heard in the area and the GNA systems have been activated.

BREAKING: An S-200 anti-aircraft missile fired by one of the batteries crossed the border and exploded in the country's skies, an alarm was activated in Samaria.

BREAKING: The IDF recently attacked, with surface-to-surface missiles, the anti-aircraft battery from which the missile was fired that crossed the border and its fragments fell near the Chumash outpost in Samaria, a radar station at Jabal Kassion and other batteries.

BREAKING: Throughout the attack, massive anti-aircraft fire was carried out, and houses in southern Damascus were identified.

BREAKING: In the video, the Syrian air defenses are responding to a Israeli missile attack in the sky of Damascus.

BREAKING: A number of Syrian GNA missiles have landed in Qudsia, near Damascus.

BREAKING: A Syrian anti-aircraft missile fell near a house in the village of Jaba in the Jenin area.

Fragments fell in the area of ​​the Chumash outpost and caused a fire, firefighters making their way to the area.

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