Neil Tester Profile picture
Chair @HWHertfordshire. Former Director @RichmondGroupOC and Deputy Director @HealthwatchE. Own views. RTs = interest only. 🏳️‍🌈

Feb 9, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵 1/6 The Integration White Paper arrives today. We’re in the limbo of being told by this @DHSCgovuk press release what it’s going to do, while having to wait until this afternoon to see how it says it’s actually going to do it. I’ll be looking out for……

2/6 Agree with Paul Najsarek of @Solace_UK that the voluntary and community sector is a key part of this vision. @NHSEngland ICS design framework recognises that takes funding. Will @DHSCgovuk @luhc act accordingly? Hope so. Not holding my breath. Surprise me!

3/6 I’ve spent years banging the drum about the multiple conditions challenge, so I’m glad the press release aspires to tackle it. Hope White Paper puts meat on bones. Great examples of how to think differently in @RichmondGroup14 Guidebook and update:…

4/6 Good to see the teaser release picking up on the burden shouldered by people with multiple conditions and on the challenges staff currently face. So I’ll be looking out for substance on this in the White Paper.

5/6 This idea about single accountability has been floated before so it will be interesting to see in the White Paper how it’s expected to work in practice and whether it works with the grain of ICS development or lobs in a grenade.

6/6 Let’s see what this afternoon brings. There are lots of positive things in the vision in the press release. But it uses the word “could” too often for my liking. Much of the content consists of thinking and work that’s been going on for years. Real action today or more words?

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