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Feb 9, 2022, 7 tweets

• Hong Kong reports first COVID death since September
• Pfizer’s COVID sales to top $50bn this year, investors want more

Follow our coverage for the latest updates ⤵️

WHO seeks $23bn to end the COVID pandemic as a global health emergency by helping low and middle-income nations obtain tests, treatments and vaccines

Indonesia starts testing homegrown COVID vaccine on humans, as the country faces a rising wave of cases

UK PM Boris Johnson signals early end to England’s COVID isolation rules

EU pushes for COVID jabs in Africa as supply ‘no longer’ an issue

“We can’t allow those individual passions to decide the debate.”

US state mask mandates to expire, creating tensions for schools

“All of us want to actually move on."

New Zealand police break up Wellington trucker protesting against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other pandemic measures

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