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Feb 9, 2022, 9 tweets


Y'all ready for this? Introducing Umbrel 0.4.14 with 4 brand new apps in the Umbrel App Store

Run @urbit on your Umbrel & connect its Bitcoin wallet to your node, remotely access your Umbrel from anywhere with @Tailscale, and stream sats to podcasters with usocial by @ibz 🔥


With @urbit in the app store, you can now boot and manage Urbit instances on your Umbrel ✨


It doesn't end there. With the new Urbit Bitcoin Connector app from @mopfelwinrux and @sitful_hatred, you can now use the Bitcoin node on your Umbrel as the backend for your Urbit's Bitcoin wallet 🚀


How about accessing your Umbrel and the apps on it from anywhere in the world without having to use Tor?

Enter @Tailscale. It's magic — check it out 🙌


With the usocial app from @ibz, you can have your own self-hosted Podcasting 2.0 client and feed reader with Lightning Network support ⚡️


Also new — connect @nunchuk_io wallet to the Bitcoin node on your Umbrel 🔗


Also also new — @lightning LND 0.14.2, updated apps from @kollider_trade, @itchysats, @SatoshiSale, Lightning Shell by @ibz, @Suredbits Wallet, and Krystal Bull 🎉


Massive congratulations to the developers of these new amazing apps on the launch today, and a huge shoutout to @mopfelwinrux and @sitful_hatred for bringing Urbit to Umbrel! 👏


Self-hosted app devs go brrr!

Combined with the 4 new apps launched just last week, and another 4 apps that launched 3 weeks ago, 2022's shaping up to be the year of the sovereign individual 💪

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