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est. 2014 by local parents who know public schools are the backbone of society. We dislike extremists. Now a PAC to support local #publiced candidates. 📚✏️🎓

Feb 9, 2022, 9 tweets

We just received an official copy of the Hillsdale charter - dubbed "USA Classical Academy" - application to @WCSedu and there is a LOT to unwrap here. Short version: public school funding is being requested to fund what appears to be a Christian private school.

What does "training in the virtues" mean exactly? Whose virtues?

They're basing 2019 enrollment figures to pandemic-2021 enrollment? That makes sense. Also, nice pocketing of where "disadvantaged families" may live according to....pastors. Seems like solid research.

(and yes, the application really is 317 pages long if you caught that detail. This will be a multi-part overview when we have time to grab more water and snacks.)

Here's where they talk about finding teachers who are currently working in other schools. We'll get back to the "classical curriculum" part.

This curriculum is presumably Hillsdale's 1776 curriculum - why aren't they calling it that in the application, instead saying "classical curriuclum." Is it different or the same? k12.hillsdale.edu/Curriculum/The…

We are assuming Hillsdale Academy uses their own K-12 curriculum - but they provide a "classical Christian education."

We know @GovBillLee is a BIG FAN of the private, Christian Hillsdale college.....and a @WCSedu is now reviewing this charter application for what appears to be a religious school using public school funding. This seems problematic?

More to come. We have about 300 more pages.

Just going to leave this right here for now.

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