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I am a Student and a Teacher! Revolutionary Pan-Africanist; Garveyite; Marxist-Leninist; anti-Capitalist; anti-Imperialist Activist...

Feb 10, 2022, 6 tweets

: I'm not defending Dave Chappelle; at all. I'm just side-eyeing Class Oppressed people chasing "affordable" housing development rather than banding together to destroy Capitalism. Am I supposed to feel bad that Capitalists can't benefit - here - from exploiting poor people? 🤔

: Recommend reading...

: I don't necessarily want Class Oppressed people to "fight" for "affordable" housing under Capitalism; I want us to fight to destroy Capitalism and make housing a right for all!

: How are anti-Capitalists upset with Dave Chappelle and not upset with & going directly to the Capitalists who make "affordable" housing even necessary? I am so confused by Oppressed people; on a daily basis! 🤔

: [Again] I'm not defending Dave Chappelle. However, context is important. I will never blindly accept a narrative without researching the issue. Far too many Oppressed can't be taken seriously; we love bandwagons [making us too easy to manipulate]!…

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