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Web Developer | Technical Writer @lambdatesting | Sharing β€’ Web Dev Tips β€’ resources β€’ AI β€’ No-code tools β€’ | DM for Collaboration

Feb 10, 2022, 9 tweets

Best Responsive Web Design Practices to follow.


1⃣ Set The Viewport.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


2⃣ Use the media queries.

This CSS property has a feature to enable your webpage content to adapt to different screen sizes.

3⃣ Design for mobile-first.

Today many users use mobile and open websites through mobiles, so your design must be started from the mobile then forward to tablet and PC.

Chrome responsive design testerπŸ‘‡

4⃣ Use SVG for icons

SVGs are vector-based, they can be scaled to any size without losing quality. With SVG, your graphics will always be sharp and pixel perfect.

Check this thread for SVG.

5⃣ Use Relative units

Don's use standard px unit. always prefer rem,%, em, etc.

6⃣ Understand the Layout.

Understand how to "display" property works.

Display: block, flex, grid, inline, inline-block.

7⃣ Use CSS Grid, Flex.

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