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Feb 11, 2022, 26 tweets

I think a lot of people forgot just how quickly
@JustinTrudeau divided the country and turned Canadians against each other.

It only took a month in August of 2021 for the entire world of millions in Canada to be flipped upside down.

A Thread.


Sorry everyone, this is a repost of the same thread.

I had some technically difficulties and the whole thread did not tweet in a sequential form. It drove me crazy thinking about it.

Please retweet this again if you are reading this.


I can’t speak for all Canadians because I live in Ontario and this will mostly be from that perspective.

Our goals were met to enter Step 3 of the reopening plan on July 9th, 2021.

These seem like quaint times with generous vax rates in comparison to where we are now.

When Ontario officially entered Step 3 on July 15th, 2021, Ontario had a vaccine rate of 60% of adults with two doses.

Well above the 25% threshold.

Things were looking good for the Summer…

….Until rumours of a Federal Election being called started to circulate throughout Canada.

With an already exceptionally high amount of Canadians vaccinated it was predicted Trudeau would use that to his advantage.

Good enough, right?


@JustinTrudeau suddenly was considering making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory in federally-regulated workplaces.

With already high vax rates in Canada it seemingly wasn’t enough. This was the peak of Summer by the way.

It made no sense.

By August 13th it was decided vaccines would be mandatory to travel by plane or train in Canada and Federal employees were required to be vaccinated.

On August 15th and election was announced for September 20th, with @JustinTrudeau outwardly drawing a line between vaccinated and unvaccinated Canadians.

On August 17th @JustinTrudeau warned that there would be “consequences” for Federal employees who refused to be vaccinated.

Consequences? Where is this language suddenly coming from?

@rupasubramanya was one of the first journalists to call out @JustinTrudeau on the sudden switch in tone regarding mandatory vaccinations for COVID-19.

That was a drastic change in tone from his more diplomatic language just a few months earlier in March of 2021.

Protestors began to gather at @JustinTrudeau’s campaign stops in Ontario.

The ineffective leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, @erinotoole, could not mount a defense to
@JustinTrudeau’s rhetoric.

Suddenly employers all over Ontario started to announce mandatory vaccination policies in their workplaces.

It was spreading everywhere like a contagion.

How did this accelerate so quickly?

Oh, right. Money. It is always money.

@JustinTrudeau bought enough doses to triple vaccinate all 37 million Canadians and promised Provinces cash to implement a vaccine passport system.

Protestors continued to follow @JustinTrudeau every where he campaigned.

Is it really surprising @CBC reporters were the ones who allegedly heard the racist and misogynistic comments hurled by protestors? 🤔

With the promise of Federal money, all of a sudden @fordnation announced a vaccine passport system on September 1st.

I am not condoning violence, but is there really any wonder why people started to get desperate and hurl pumpkin seeds and gravel at @JustinTrudeau?

Nobody was listening, especially wet noodle @erinotoole, who did nothing to tone down the divisive rhetoric of the PM.

Justin Trudeau seized on @CBC’s reporting and began to refer to people protesting vaccine mandates as racist, misogynist, anti-vaxxer mobs that were a small fringe majority.

On September 20th the Liberals gained 3 seats in Parliament.

On September 22nd Vaccine certificates were required in restaurants, gyms, theatres etc. in Ontario.

Thousands of Ontarians lost their jobs due to vaccine mandates at their workplaces and were excluded from cultural activities.

Families were divided at Christmas over vaccines.

Vaccines! Unbelievable.

But you know what?

Absolutely none of this stopped Omicron from spreading and infecting vaccinated, unvaccinated, boosted, employed and unemployed alike.

The @COVIDSciOntario estimates that between 1 to 4 million Ontarians were infected between December ‘21 and January ‘22.

But none of this stopped @JustinTrudeau’s continuous rhetoric meant to divide Canadians.

This is not the behaviour of a Prime Minister. It is the behaviour of a petulant boy that cannot admit he is incapable of leading a country looking for a way to move on from the pandemic.

We are all Canadians.

We love this country.

We know who continues to use language to turn us against each other.

It won’t work.

It is time to come together despite our political differences.

We deserve better than @JustinTrudeau and his Student Council cabinet.

Thought I would add the link to another thread I composed related to voluntary vaccination trends in Canada.


Our American friends are watching.


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