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Feb 11, 2022, 5 tweets

In churches, hard surfaces and sharp angles of stone, brick, glass and wood are softened by the delicate draping of intricately woven and embroidered altar-cloths, comfortable cushioning of communion kneelers & pleasing curves of plump hassocks, stitched with great care. 🪡


Today we’re celebrating our churches’ softer side …

1. Altar cloth, St Mary's, Long Crichel, Dorset ⬆️

2. Altar frontal, St Philip's, Caerdeon, Gwynedd ⬇️


3. Hassocks, St Andrew's, Woodwalton, Cambridgeshire

📷 @badger_beard


4. Lectern hanging, St Mary the Virgin's, Llanfair Kilgeddin, Monmouthshire


5. Altar frontal, St Mary's, Temple, Corsley, Wiltshire


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