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Feb 11, 2022, 5 tweets

French President Emmanuel Macron refused a Kremlin request that he take a Russian COVID-19 test when he arrived to see President Vladimir Putin this week, to prevent Russia getting hold of Macron's DNA, two sources in Macron's entourage told Reuters 1/5

As a result, the visiting French head of state was kept at a distance from the Russian leader during lengthy talks on the Ukraine crisis in Moscow 2/5

Observers were struck by images of Macron and Putin sitting at opposite ends of 4-meter-long table during their talks, with some diplomats and others suggesting Putin might be wanting to send a diplomatic message 3/5

But two sources, who have knowledge of the French president's health protocol, told Reuters Macron had been given a choice: either accept a PCR test done by the Russian authorities and be allowed to get close to Putin, or refuse and abide by more stringent social distancing 4/5

'We knew very well that meant no handshake and that long table. But we could not accept that they get their hands on the president's DNA,' one of the sources said, referring to security concerns if the French leader was tested by Russian doctors 5/5

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