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I help Americans protect their children’s innocence & freedoms | Co-Founder @couragehabit | 🛍️ | Courage After Dark

Feb 11, 2022, 9 tweets

@ASCAtweets provides the national model for school counselors. What used to be called a “guidance counselor” is now called “school counselor” because they are supposed to service EVERY child (in some way) in the school. That can be through specific individualized sessions,

Class lessons &/or transformation of the school culture. Why should you care? School Counselors are trained to be (according to ASCA) SOCIAL JUSTICE ADVOCATES & influence your children to be the same. @learnforjustice “Social Justice Standards” are referenced as a primary

resource which informed ASCAs student standards. Learning for Justice is a website from the Southern Poverty Law Center which provides standards and resources for administrators, teachers & counselors. This is highly inappropriate & blatant political indoctrination by our

government. Parents, you must stand up to this! They are training this generation of children to become anti-American, social justice warriors. Tell your school your child is NOT to be serviced by any counselor at school. #ExpelSEL #ExposeASCA #NSCW22

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