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Living on Anishinabewaki territory. ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ TDubOntario on Mastodon 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

Feb 11, 2022, 10 tweets

POS Polly is apoplectic bc she used a dormant Twitter account to contact Tamara Lich, and Lich "got her banned from Twitter"....for a ban evasion.
Polly was turfed from Twitter 11/19.
Suddenly, she is now telling followers that the @GiveSendGo convoy leaders are the problem.🤣

2/ CW: extreme language

Phil Primeau, who posted the vid and is equally apoplectic, if not more so, agrees wholeheartedly.

Here, he sounds off about BJ Dichter.

I'm not sure who he hates more - Dichter or Guevara? Decide for yourself.

3/ CW: extreme language

Here Phil expresses his view about the crypto-Bitcoin donations.

He goes easier on Tamara Lich, I'm guessing because she's a woman, and doesn't have a Che Guevara profile pic.

4/ Side note...

At the onset of the pandemic, "patriots" LOST THEIR DAMNED MINDS when businesses asked people to use cards instead of physical currency, swearing it was another step toward a NWO.

So why are so many embracing the idea now, for #FreedomConvoy2022 donations? 🤔

5/ Phil's heart goes out to Polly's stomach, which is in knots because she worries that THEIR racists aren't going to be on the winning team.

Phil disagrees.

Phil avers he is aligned with Polly, Jeremy MacKenzie and Randy Hillier. Apparently they're the "good guys"?

7/ About Jeremy MacKenzie.


8/ More on Jeremy MacKenzie.


9/ About Randy Hillier.

Pic 1 - October 2021
Pic 2- 9 days ago

10/ If only they could hear themselves, amirite?

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