Linsey Marr Profile picture
Engineering professor @virginia_tech with expertise in airborne transmission of viruses, air quality, nanotechnology. Avid recreational athlete.

Feb 11, 2022, 9 tweets

New special issue of @RSocPublishing #InterfaceFocus on airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2…

Intro… by Tang, Li, Eames, and me summarizes the contents. /1

"Spread of infectious agents through the air in complex spaces" explores effects of buoyancy, turbulence and their influence on how far aerosols travel, also effects of turbulence and stratification on the spread of infectious agents indoors.… /2

"COVID-19: the case for aerosol transmission" reviews evidence from respiratory physiology, lab studies, field measurements, outbreak investigations, animal models. /3

"Comparing aerosol number and mass exhalation rates from children and adults during breathing, speaking and singing" reports that older kids and adults produce similar amounts of aerosols, and singing > talking >> breathing.… /4

"Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 at a hospice: terminated after the implementation of enhanced aerosol infection control measures" included opening of windows, universal masking for staff & taking breaks separately, screening for asymptomatic infection.… /5

"High attack rate in a Tong Lau house outbreak of COVID-19 with subdivided units in Hong Kong" finds evidence of spread through wastewater drainage pipes, poor ventilation. Attack rate = 25%.… /6

"Modelling airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 using CARA: risk assessment for enclosed spaces" presents a model to assess potential exposure of airborne SARS-CoV-2 viruses, with emphasis on virological and immunological factors.… /7

"An exploration of the political, social, economic and cultural factors affecting how different global regions initially reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic" looks at answers to the questions shown below in different regions:… /8

Oops, forgot the link to Tellier's review:…

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