Rabih Alameddine Profile picture
writer/novelist @rabihalameddine@zirk.us

Feb 13, 2022, 13 tweets

Wayne Sorce, Chicago, IL, ca. 1970
vintage gelatin silver print
11 x 14 inches

Robert Frank, White Tower, New York, 1948

Robert Frank, Wales, 1953

Vivian Maier, September 18, 1962

Ben Shahn, Amite City, Louisiana, 1935

Rosalie Gwathmey, Shout Freedom, Charlotte, North Carolina, c. 1948

Bruce Davidson, Time of Change, 1962

Fazal Sheikh: Abdia Abdi Khalil and her son Hameed, Somali refugee camp, Mandera, Kenya, 1993

Robert Frank, ca. 1955

Dorothea Lange, Japanese-American internment camp, circa 1943.

Thomas Hoepker, Thanksgiving, Reno, Nevada, 1963

Wayne Sorce, Top This, Chicago, IL, c. 1970

Robert Frank, Marilyn is Dead, 1962

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