#covid19uk - Tables thread. Starting with the top 50 England Local Authorities by positives per 100K population in last 7 days, up to 3 days ago. Bright green means lower than previous period.
Link to full versions, sorted by:
Rate: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/TableCumulativ…
Count: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/TableCumulativ…
Cumulative summary view by regions.
Table view of today's 31,713 NEWLY REPORTED England positive test results by local authority and recent specimen dates. Here showing top 50 authorities which represent 51% of the population, but have 54% of the positives.
Top 50 table view of latest availble Local Authority data for the 60+ age range for 7 days to 08-Feb sorted by descending rate per 100K population (of that age range). Change column is compared to previous week with red for increase and green for decrease.
Top 30 England local authorities by maximum weekly rate per 100K population recorded to date.
Some of the more detailed content from this thread has been moved to an external page to try and make the twitter updates a bit more manageable. You can still see the full version here: …ddatashare.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Table/Table_20…
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