Jack White 🔶 🇺🇦 #VoteLibDem #RejoinEU #SlavaUk Profile picture
Author of "Operation Suitcase & Operation Boris". He/Him #SaveUkraine #SaveGaza #VPDFO #BLM #Transrights 🏳️‍⚧️ #RejoinEU #HelpUkraineWin #NAFO #FBPE

Feb 13, 2022, 6 tweets

It was the attendance of Boris & Carrie Johnson at the Twickenham Rugby in 2020, that prompted the Cheltenham festival not to cancel their Covid Superspreader event. Good Time Party girl Carrie enjoyed Cheltenham in 2016 as a DCMS SPAD for Whittingdale dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…

a DCMS freebie donated by Ladbrookes, along with free tickets to Royal Ascot. Other freebies 5/15-7/16 Pinewood, Wimbledon, the Brits, the Proms, the Ashes Test and English National Ballet, Royal Shakespeare, Royal Opera, The Old Vic and the Barbican. Nice work if you can get it.

Carrie also went to the Royal Gala with Whittingdale paid by the Russian Ambassador Yakovenko
Oct 15-Dec 15 assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…
Jan 16 - Mar 16

Carrie Johnson attended this event with the Russian Ambassador in Feb 2016.

Also at Russia Gala on February 25th 2016 with the Russian Ambassador Yakovenko, Carrie Johnson & John Whittingdale was Leave EU Funder Arron Banks and (presumably) his Russian wife Katya Banks.

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