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Consultant; words @JanesINTEL

Feb 13, 2022, 15 tweets

Imagery acquired 12FEB2022 by @capellaspace shows armored formed up at Alchevsk. (again another typo fix, sry.)

Welcome to the 'count-the-blob' game. @planet's Planetscope imagery acquired on 13FEB2022.

Planet imagery acquired on 11FEB2021 showed that 11 x Su-25SM had relocated to Millervo east of Luhansk. The airbase hosts the 31 IAP which has been converting to the Su-30SM from the MIG-29 since 2015. #geoint

The previous Russian bde level deployment has relocated from Bakhchysarai. Imagery from @capellaspace shows loading activity at the nearby RTP.

Imagery acquired by @capellaspace on 16FEB2021 shows loading/unloading activity of a Ropucha-class LST at Sevastopol. (sry typo fix*)

SAR collected on 19FEB2022 by @capellaspace continued to show 32 x FROGFOOT deployed to Luninets airbase in Belarus.

Imagery captured by @planet on 19FEB2022 showed convoy formations at Novoozerne including a 2S19 battalion, MLRS batteries and other support elements. An expanded camp and a new motor pool were also visible in the area.

2 x 2S19 batteries were also visible to the north. Excellent resolution for a small fridge-size satellite!

However, no significant changes to deployments at Filativka (@capellaspace)

Meanwhile, imagery acquired by @planet on 20FEB2022 shows a mix of civilian and military vehicles halted on the E-40 south of Luhansk. It's unclear exactly what has occurred.

There's still some stragglers but pretty quiet at the border crossing near Chomutovka.

With the tooth gone, so goes the tail. Today at Pogonovo, imagery from @planet.

New @capellaspace collection on 22FEB2022 shows a Russian ground force presence southwest of Belgorod which included tanks, SPH, possible IFV/APCs, HETs, and other support equipment.

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