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writer/novelist @rabihalameddine@zirk.us

Feb 14, 2022, 19 tweets

Edvard Munch, "Springtime Landscape with Red House", 1935, Oil on canvas, 40" x 51"

Kasimir Malevich. Red House. 1932

Edvard Munch (1863–1944)
Red House and Spruces, 1927

Stanley Spencer, The Red House, oil on canvas, 1926.

Edvard Munch (1863-1944). Garden with Red House.

Lawren Harris, Pine Tree and Red House, Winter City, 1924

Charles Burchfield, "Untitled"(Red House), 1914, Watercolor and graphite on paper, 20" x 14"v

Peter Doig - Red House - 1995/96

Robert Falk. Red House. 1921

Albert Krüger (1885-1965). The Red House.

Thomas Lamb, Red House in Winter, 2010.

Max Pechstein, The Red House, 1911

Gustave Loiseau, Red House Near Port Marly

Auguste Herbin The Red House 1925.

Edvard Munch, Shore with a Red House, 1904

Eric Ravilious, Red House, watercolor, 1927.

Reuben Mednikoff, The Red House, 1935

Robert Falk, Red House, 1921

Pierre Bonnard, The Red House in the Trees, 1923

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