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Political economist | @MPIfG_Cologne | Researching central banking, asset management, green macrofinancial regimes & more | benbraun on the blue site

Feb 14, 2022, 7 tweets

Thank you, @adam_tooze! Couldn't have wished for a more cracking summary of my thoughts on asset manager capitalism. I'll take the opportunity for a brief 🧵on recent work on the topic by stars such as @adribuller, @MadisonECondon, @franziscooi, @lenorepalladino & @NataschaZwan.

Someone who knows everything about index funds, ESG, and climate is @adribuller. Her recent @DissentMag piece on private climate finance is excellent and has links to her other work. Incredibly, Adrienne is writing two (2) books, both scheduled for 2022.…

The sharpest mind on all things universal owner, externalities, fiduciary duty, and other asset manager incentives, legal or otherwise, surely is @MadisonECondon. "Externalities and the Common Owner" is an instant classic (also on my #IPEofMoFi syllabus).…

.@lenorepalladino, lawyer *and* economist ("that progressive economist” – @BernieSanders) knows US corporate governance inside out. She publishes killer articles *and* is a key voice in policy debates, from curbing stock buybacks to public asset managers.…

We haven't even talked about alternative asset managers. On European venture capital, I highly recommend @franziscooi's work. Her first article on this recently came out in @RIPEJournal (open access), more is in the making.…

Then there's asset owners, especially pension funds. The towering figure here is, obviously, @NataschaZwan. She & colleagues are currently doing a lot of exciting work on the democratic governance of funded occupational pension schemes:

We'd all be completely clueless, of course, without financial journalists. Over the years I've learned a ton from @AttractaMooney and @kayewiggins, for instance, and I've been reading a lot @KateAronoff and @leee_harris recently.

That's it – end of Chartbook #82 addendum.

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