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i write to break hearts | reviewing for pnle

Feb 14, 2022, 54 tweets

on his knees,
a #markhyuck mini filo au.

› 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲. established relationship au
› 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀. profanity, alcohol
› 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀. ending the day~ happy valentines, here's my mini au entry hehe 🥳…

` one

` two

` three

` four

` five

` six

` seven

` eight

` nine

` ten

` eleven

` twelve

` thirteen

` fourteen

` fifteen

` sixteen

` seventeen

` eighteen

` nineteen

` twenty

` twenty-one

` twenty-two

` twenty-three

` twenty-four

` twenty-five

` twenty-six

` twenty-seven

` twenty-eight

` twenty-nine

` thirty

` thirty-one

` thirty-two

` thirty-three

` thirty-four

` thirty-five

` thirty-six

` thirty-seven

` thirty-eight

` thirty-nine

` forty

` forty-one

` forty-two

` forty-three

` forty-four

` forty-five

` forty-six

` forty-seven

` forty-eight

` forty-nine

` fifty

— end.

vvv delayed but thank you so much for reading this mini au! until next time :)

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