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Feb 14, 2022, 10 tweets

A Vanity Fair Trailer breakdown thread 🧵- here's what VF says of many scenes in the trailer:…

"a bustling port city...on the star-shaped island of Númenor"

"two human hunter-gatherers...not particularly central to the story"

"The Harfoot - One of the key figures we'll come to meet in The Rings of Power"

" climbing an icy cliff in in what is clearly the Forodwaith, a.k.a. the Northern Waste, leading an expedition to track and destroy any remnants of Morgoth or Sauron, who went into hiding after the fall of his master"

"Arondir, who helps keep the peace in the Southland inhabited mainly by mortals"

" extravagantly in his kingdom, planning expansions, and looking on toward what he believes is a bright, unfettered future"

The Wanderer - "a tall, bearded, shaggy haired man who is seen rising from a burning crater. The harfoot girl is seen in the shot, reaching out to him among the cinders. Who is he? Where does he come from? What does he want in Middle-earth? Is he a force of good or evil?"

Elrond "plunging deep below the surface, reforging an alliance between the western elves and the dwarves of Moria...what looks like a rock-breaking contest between the two"

The Dwarves "This is how the dwarves commune with the mountain they live beneath. Reverberations tell them where to dig, but also—importantly—where not to dig"

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