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Storyteller With a Passion for Finding Heroes in Everyday People. CBS News Contributor. ‘Beg-Knows America’ Airs On @CBSMornings Every Monday at 8am

Feb 14, 2022, 9 tweets

BREAKING: A Louisiana judge just ruled Vincent Simmons did not get a fair trial when he was convicted of attempted aggravated rape in 1977. Judge ordered new trial. District Attorney just said he will NOT retry Simmons. Vincent Simmons is a free man after serving 44yrs at Angola.

The moment shackles were taken off his feet

A wild moment in the courtroom as the defense attorney is on the phone with prison officials at Angola. Vincent is sitting here watching. The defense attorney is saying let him go go. The warden at Angola wants him to go back to be processed out.

Vincent Simmons told me he isn’t angry at anyone. He’s just ready to be free.

The shackles were put back on Vincent Simmons feet and he was told he has to go back to Angola prison in order to be processed out. He he could walk out a free man, tonight.

Our report from outside the courthouse

BREAKING: Vincent Simmons is a free man.
He just walked out of Louisiana State Penitentiary after serving 44yrs for a crime he insists he did not commit & a crime that a judge said today he did not get a fair trial for. Watch @cbsmornings tomorrow to see what happened in court.

Behind the scenes as Vincent Simmons was freed

Tonight, 9:15pm ET

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