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Feb 14, 2022, 18 tweets

"Veil of Darkness"
Yazidi girls burned alive for refusing to have sex with IS captors. The 19 girls were burned to death, while hundreds of people were watching. Nobody could do anything to save them from the brutal punishment.

IS had a center for slaughtering women.
Thousands have been kidnapped, raped & slaughtered.
They were forced to 'marry' dozens of men.
Those who didn't agree were beheaded.

Self-immolation by burning to look ugly for their IS captors, a (may be the only) chance to escape sex slavery.

A rescued women from IS captivity said,
"After IS entered our village, they made my husband disappear, then they just want to rape me.
They put a knife to my CHILDREN's throat and behead them if I didn't do what they wanted me to do. I had no choice" . #VeilofDarkness

When IS raided our towns/villages,
They separated the men, the girls, women and Children. They took most of the men & killed them.
They separated Girls and women. They sold women & Girls among themselves & treated them badly.

So what is it for women to live under Salafist ideology of IS? Here are some daily life qns.
Why there is no men with you? Why are you walking around yourself?
Why no gloves, why are your legs not covered? Where is your veil? #VeilofDarkness

IS employed women moral police (Hisbah) to monitor dress code.
If a woman ever slightly deviates, she was brought in for questioning.
Punishments go from flogging to death by stoning. #VeilofDarkness

Brutality against others were also extreme, it goes from cutting hands for petty crimes, throwing them from building for being gay, public beheading, shooting ... #VeilofDarkness

IS would bring women to a hall, force them to show their bodies so they could take pictures & send it to others for trading women.
IS took girls as young as 9-10 & raped them, and then bring them back.

Women freed from IS captivity said, "I was raped by 16 different men, even now I smell them. Their smell makes me brush my teeth more than ten times a day "

Women were sold in the markets as sex slaves.

"All women would like to show their face". However, under the Salafist IS, covered in Niqab, burqa whatever you may call. A woman living in IS controlled area says, "We lost that option, we've lost our femininity", a cry faintly heard. #VeilofDarkness

She wished there would be a day where she doesn't have to cover herself from head to toe in a niqab/burqa. "I long to take off the niqab & the darkness that cloaks us" #VeilofDarkness

There is one thing that IS feared the most, for an IS fighter to get killed by a woman is the ultimate disrespect, he will never make it to paradise.
A woman with gun in non-traditional attire is the weapon IS feared most. #VeilofDarkness

Enough is Enough, a small group of women wanted to take revenge against this barbaric ideology & formed a militia with war cry "Freedom crowns the head of the free, only the oppressed know its value. " #VeilofDarkness

These band of women who shed their #VeilofDarkness
fought against IS fiercely joining hands with other militias. An IS killed by a woman fighter 👇

They conducted a psychological warfare displaying the bodies of IS fighters they killed, the last thing IS wanted to see. Remains of an IS killed by a Woman fighter who shed their #VeilofDarkness 👇

This was "Her war"
The thing that matters most to us is the freedom of the soul, its beauty.
The beauty of the soul must be reflected in the face, on the body and whole physical self. These women shed their #VeilofDarkness & fought for their rights and their land.

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