cee # jjh1 & dolo! Profile picture
πŸ“Ό β€” forever only & little light supremacy οΉ†πŸŽ΅ β‚ŠΛš

Feb 15, 2022, 32 tweets

#sungwoo mini au
β€” sticky notes : mbau valentine's special

SHOW 2. here's your ticket 🎟

woo from mango bravo au!

β€” short!
β€” timeline is after new year's spec: 2023.
β€” taglish
β€” profanities ahead
β€” enjoy the first show!

🎟 ditch

🎟 lagi :(

🎟 suyo yan shea

🎟 wow date

🎟 sulky

🎟 eto mic oh

🎟 mentoré

🎟 happy valentine's day?

🎟 red velvet cake

🎟 jackpot

🎟 pogi naman

🎟 ako lang to

🎟 alam ko

🎟 jowain mo na po

🎟 si dons conyo na 😠

🎟 coco ichibanya katapat

🎟 typo raw

🎟 when you're ready

πŸŸͺ - woo
🟩 - sung

🎟 pwede ako rin shi?

🎟 date?

🎟 notes

🎟 starting

🎟 oo na


🎟 basta para sa'yo

🎟 see you

β€” end.

πŸ’¬ curiouscat.live/nahyuckst


erratum: timeline is 2024

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