cee # jjh1 & dolo! Profile picture
📼 — forever only & little light supremacy ﹆🎵 ₊˚

Feb 15, 2022, 19 tweets

#johnyong mini au
— movie : mbau valentine's special

SHOW 3. here's your ticket 🎟

john and yong from mango bravo au!

— short!
— timeline is: 2025.
— taglish
— profanities ahead
— enjoy the third show!

🎟 kailan ba

🎟 studio

🎟 third wheel shea

🎟 tampo yarne

🎟 to da left and da right

🎟 walang magbebreak!!!

🎟 spoil him 🥺

🎟 enjoy po

🎟 best boyfriends and bestfriends!!

🎟 movie? yes!

🎟 movie.

(patawad eto lang kaya ng oras mwaps)

🎟 kanila na lang ako kikirelasyon

🎟 movie buddy!

— end

💬 curiouscat.live/nahyuckst

jhnyng best couple din hmp!! gin kwatro kantos best bffies forever!

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