cee # jjh1 & dolo! Profile picture
📼 — forever only & little light supremacy ﹆🎵 ₊˚

Feb 15, 2022, 36 tweets

#dojae / #jaedo mini au
— home : mbau valentine's special

FINAL SHOW. here's your ticket 🎟

uno and lagi from mango bravo au!

— short!
— timeline is: 2026-2027.
— taglish
— profanities ahead
— enjoy the final show :)

🎟 luh gagi

🎟 heat* up yon

never nagtatypo characs ko AKIN ANG MALI

🎟 sorry :(

🎟 ah

🎟 what if 😟

🎟 subukan mo lang

🎟 take care of him for me

🎟 wont hurt you anymore daw

🎟 our day nga raw

🎟 he didnt know pa

🎟 always here

🎟 okay na agad

🎟 nangopya pa

🎟 where's mine? :(

🎟 gago uno

🎟 let's get this

🎟 you can play this rendition of alapaap while reading: open.spotify.com/track/3y1mFooC…


🎟 hey, doyoung jeong.

🎟 see you sa kasal!

🎟 we love a family man! budget n all!

🎟 cuddles

🎟 2027

🎟 pichi pichi lover boy

🎟 my favorite hey

🎟 one that will never end

🎟 let's start another story?

🎟 you always and always yours

🎟 papa dada poreber mwamwa

🎟 home 🥺

🎟 i love you, jeong :)

— end

💬 curiouscat.live/nahyuckst

may you all find your always and stories that will never have an ending :) again and again, uno and don's story doesn't end here. they've only started, like always.

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