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Feb 15, 2022, 5 tweets

RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav reaches CBI Special Court in Ranchi, Jharkhand

The court will today pronounce its verdict in a case related to the fodder scam (ANI)

Fodder scam: RJD chief #LaluPrasadYadav convicted of fraudulent withdrawal from Doranda treasury by a CBI Special Court in Ranchi

CBI special court convicts RJD chief #LaluPrasadYadav in multi-crore Doranda fodder scam…

36 people have been given a jail term of 3 years each by a CBI Special Court in Ranchi. Lalu Prasad Yadav has been convicted. The quantum of punishment to him is yet to be pronounced: Sanjay Kumar, defence lawyer in Doranda treasury case

The hearing for the pronouncement of quantum of punishment for Lalu Prasad Yadav will take place in the CBI Special Court in Ranchi on Feb 21: Yadav's lawyer Prabhat Kumar

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