Tete Fadzie Profile picture
Marketer|Loving Tete|GGMU ❀️|@ZwitterChoice

Feb 15, 2022, 52 tweets

Valentines day thread, did you enjoy your day yesterday, you can share feedback via the comments section or anonymously via the link below πŸ‘‡

Response #1 β™₯️😍

Response #2 ❀️

Response #3 πŸ˜•

Response #4 This is so sweet ❀️😊

Response #5

Response #6

Response #7 Eish 😢

Response #8 Awww 😊❀️

Response #9 πŸ˜”

Response #10 awwww sweet ❀️😊

Response #11

Response #12 AhπŸ˜‚

Response #13 Sex is not a gift!!!

Response #14 ❀️πŸ’₯

Response #15 Hahaha imi ka πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Response #16 Team Mhofu ❀️πŸ’ͺ

Response #17

Response #18 I surrender πŸ™Œ

Response #19 Awww ❀️😍

Response #20 This is sweet, small things go a long way

Response #21 Ane nzeve anzwaπŸ‘‚

Response #22 πŸ˜”

Response #23 πŸ˜‰

Response #24

Response #25 Friendship goalsπŸ˜β€οΈπŸ˜ƒ

Response #27 πŸ˜”

Response #28 Eish πŸ˜”

This girl doesn't genuinely care about you at all, put yourself first and find someone who genuinely wants to be with you not someone who just wants to benefit from the relationship. It won't be shocking kuti akatopa umwe munhu gift nemari yako.

Response #29 Good for you 😊❀️

Response #30 Wow!!! β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ™Œ

Response #31 Awww sweet ❀️😍

Response #32 Zvinofadza❀️😍😊

Response #33

Response #34 zvakaoma kani πŸ˜”

Response #35 awww sorry πŸ˜”

Response #36 Zvichaita one day don't lose hope

Response #37 self love β€οΈπŸ’•πŸ’‹

Response #38 Awww sweet makagona 😍❀️

Response #39 You are a real gem ❀️

Response #40 awww ❀️🌹

Response #41 sorry πŸ˜”

Response #42 ah

Response #43 Well said! ❀️πŸ’ͺ

Response #44 awww 😊❀️

Response #45 zvakaoma πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜”

Response #46 ah ah ah

Response #47 Gymnastics πŸ™ŒπŸ˜‚

Response #48 Musadaro soπŸ˜”

Response #49

Response #50 a bit long but definitely worth reading... Thank you that's a wrap for today 🌹❀️

Hope this help you uplift your spirit❀️

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