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I have views on all kinds of news! Blessed to be followed by @narendraModi ji🙏🙏; Co-convenor BJP Mumbai - IT and SM Cell; Views strictly personal

Feb 16, 2022, 8 tweets

What’s happening in Aarey?

Trees CUT in police presence?

When will people realise that Aaditya Thackeray’s #SaveAarey movt was just a SCAM?

It was never about treesCUT, it was about CUT that could be made by giving land to pvt builders instead of “WASTING” it on public project

Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray should answer Mumbaikars

Why was the Aarey land that @Dev_Fadnavis had so painstakingly opened up for metro NOT DECLARED as FOREST if he wants to #SaveAarey ?

Doesn’t it mean they want to “DEVELOP” it with powerful builders lobby?

The Aarey land was chosen by Prithviraj Chavan Cong NCP Sarkar for metro car shed

After becoming CM, @Dev_Fadnavis set up committee to look at alternative sites but it decided that Aarey is BEST choice

Devendrabhau didn’t let his EGO come in the way & fast tracked metro work

. @Dev_Fadnavis worked day & night so that Mumbaikars could have the metro of their dreams,that they deserved

Where only 11 km of Metro was approved till 2014,~190 km of 14 line Metro in Mumbai was planned to ensure that person reaches from 1 part to another in less than an hour

Today,Metro Project is in doldrums as Mumbaikars travel in packed trains

About avg 2 people die falling off crowded trains (pre-pandemic)

They are bread winners,someone’s son,husband,father

Don’t these lives matter?😢

Do people who travel in BMWs understand their struggles?😢

The metro cost has escalated by 10,000 crores which may make the project unviable

All roads of Mumbai dug up for metro work

So people are suffering today for a brighter tomorrow that we don’t know when it will come

How long do we Mumbaikars keep showing this “spirit of Mumbai”

It’s time that we Mumbaikars start demanding these questions

We have been taken for a ride by a smooth talking guy masquerading as an environmentalist while Shiv Sena ruled BMC permitted cutting 39,000 trees in 11 years while crying over ~2000 trees ALREADY CUT in Aarey

It’s time for us Mumbaikars to reclaim our Mumbai from those who take our votes in name of fake causes & make sure that only the real Bhagva flies atop the BMC - the real bhagva that stands for all the principles of our Araadhya Daivat Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj 🙏🙏

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