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Feb 17, 2022, 10 tweets

Ukraine-Russia updates: 17 February ⤵️

Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine accuse Ukrainian forces of mortar attack.

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Russia says it is withdrawing forces from annexed Crimea as Western powers remain skeptical over pullback claims.

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Russia FM Lavrov says that Moscow will later today send Washington a reply to US proposals on European security.

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The Kremlin has said Russia’s withdrawal of forces from around Ukraine’s borders will “take some time”.

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“Big provocation.”

Ukraine and rebel region trade shelling allegations

NATO is yet to see any evidence of a withdrawal of Russian troops from around Ukraine’s borders, despite Moscow’s claim it is carrying out a pullback of forces, says Jens Stoltenberg.

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Russia has expelled the US deputy chief of mission (DCM) to Russia, Bart Gorman, say a Department of State spokesperson.

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Everything you need to know about NATO’s members, mission and tensions with Russia

The UK is scrapping so-called “golden visas” offering residency to wealthy foreign investors amid security concerns and renewed calls for the UK to review its links with Russia, says Britain’s government ⤵️

The Kremlin has accused President Joe Biden of stoking tension by saying he expects Russia to invade Ukraine within days, reports Russian media.

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