Keith Evans Profile picture

Feb 17, 2022, 33 tweets

The Cover-Up Continues πŸ‘‡…

The Fauci email dated 4th Feb 2020 regarding "concern" of 'Indian Paper' of possible Hiv-1 inserts in SarsCov2 S protein. The 'Paper' was subsequently withdrawπŸ‘‡

The Paper that was withdrawn below πŸ‘‡

The below graphics from the Original Paper by BioRxivπŸ‘‡

Some Info about Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory who 'oversees' BioRxiv πŸ‘‡

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative now 'Funds' medRxix. Some interesting Advisory Board members of BioRxiv below πŸ‘‡

New Papers must now be reported to "medRxiv" since bioRxiv' clinical research project has closed. medRxiv is under the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Let's hope for greater transparency?! πŸ€”πŸ‘‡

Interesting photo? I think O'bama knows what he's talking about?! πŸ™„πŸ‘‡

The ModernaπŸ˜—Patents in SarsCov2 including the Furin Cleavage Site. Unique Spike Protein from similar Coronaviruses πŸ‘‡

So the great Luc Montagnier knew, as did Professor Fourtillan, of the truth of SarsCov2 (hiv-1 inserts including PRRA Furin Cleavage Site)πŸ‘‡

Interesting choice of Laboratory for vaccine research against SarsCov2πŸ€”πŸ‘‡…

Why didn't they ask Dr Fauci and the HSS?! πŸ€” They were working on an Hiv-1 vaccine and had a patent for specific hiv-1 proteins πŸ‘‡

After all, the Hiv-1 gp120 env protein, also in the SarsCov2 Spike Protein, has been a target for years πŸ‘‡

Human Gene Editing πŸ€”πŸ‘‡

Let's see what Dr Robert Malone thinks about the mRNA gene therapy shots from his Substack report πŸ‘‡

Contd. from the above and the link πŸ‘‡…

Notwithstanding the novel nature of mRNA gene therapy, the NIH and Moderna enter an agreement to acquire such a treatment. Vincent Felicia signed on behalf of the NIAID on 13th Jan2020 and Andrea Carfi on 16th Dec 2019 πŸ‘‡

Link to article:…
An mRNA vaccine development based upon Moderna's mRNA platform and the NIAD's stabilised perfusion Mers-Cov spike protein πŸ‘‡

In turn, both the NIAID and Moderna sign a "Material Transfer Agreement" with the University of North Carolina regarding 'mRNA Vaccine Candidates', signed on the 12th Dec 2019 by world leading expert on Coronavirus' Ralph Baric, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology πŸ‘‡

So we have the NIAID's spike protein perfusion from SarsCov, Moderna's mRNA platform, and the leading expert on Coronaviruses, Ralph Baric, who had worked with Shi Zhengli (The Bat Lady) of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Moderna's and NIAID'S signatories below πŸ‘‡

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the Furin Cleavage Insert, GOF πŸ‘‡

So, Chapel Hill and specifically the Wuhan Lab according to the late Prof. Luc Montagnier, including the Hiv-1 inserts. This will not go away!πŸ‘‡

As scientific evidence accrues, more signs of depletion of the human immune system, especially in the vaccinated with the gene therapy 'spike protein' mRNA shots. A great Thread below by Igor Chudov outlining the recent evidence of T-cell depletion πŸ‘‡…

Dr DeinertDoc confirms the inserts:

Was it possible to cover the 'signatures' left by the inserts? Yes, is the answerπŸ‘‡

And Chapel Hill has a history πŸ‘‡

And Baric/Shi Zhengli continued the 'work' πŸ‘‡

Therefore, the hesitancy to speak out by associated virologists is obvious. They are compromised by certain aspects of the IC.

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