Olga Tokariuk Profile picture
Fellow at @ChathamHouse Leadership Academy in International Affairs, @CHUkraineForum. @CEPA non-resident fellow, ex @risj_oxford. Journalist, disinfo researcher

Feb 17, 2022, 9 tweets

Russian forces hit a kindergarten in Luhansk region with artillery fire today. There are reports of injuries. Heavy shelling of Ukraine's government-controlled territory in Donbas by Russian proxy forces reported this morning. So much about de-escalation

Ukrainian media report that a school yard in Vrubivka, Luhansk region, gov.t-controlled territory, was hit by 122-mm mortar fire today morning, school principal said. These weapons are banned under Minsk agr.ts. Russian proxy forces continue to use them nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/ev…

Shelling of the kindergarten by Russian proxy forces is officially confirmed by command of the Ukrainian Joint forces operation: as a result of artillery fire two civilians got concussions, half of Stanytsia Luhanska is cut off from electricity

More reports of damage done by Russian forces attacks on Ukrainian government-controlled territory. A woman in Maryinka, Donetsk region, was injured after a shell landed next to a bus stop, close to a school, head of humanitarian mission Proliska reports facebook.com/evgeny.kaplin/…

A locomotive depot in Stanytsia Luhanska district of Nova Kindrashivska was also shelled today from non-government controlled territory of Ukraine, Ukrainian railways report. No injured, but a warehouse partially destroyed, locomotive damaged uz.gov.ua/press_center/u…

Here's today's video from Maryinka, about 30 km from Russian-occupied Donestk. Sound of shelling is heard, the woman who is filming sobs, says she is scared for her child who is at school, hopes children at school will be taken to shelter in a basement

More than 20 towns and villages in the Ukrainian government-controlled territory were shelled by Russian occupation forces today, Ukrainian Joint forces operation press center reports. One servicemen, two civilians have been injured facebook.com/pressjfo.news/…

Photos of damaged yard of a school/lyceum in Vrubivka, near Popasna in Luhansk region, government-controlled territory of Ukraine. According to local authorities, two civilian houses were damaged, gas pipeline hit, gas supply interrupted facebook.com/popasnavca/pos…

Video of a kindergarten in Stanytsia Luhanska, damaged by Russian forces' shelling today morning. This is government-controlled territory of Ukraine. Two nannies were injured, luckily kids were outside. Source: Ukrainian Joint forces operation

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