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Feb 17, 2022, 6 tweets

📊Barça v Napoli pre-match thread📈

A quick look at our opponents in the Europa League this evening.

Your thoughts, likes & retweets are all appreciated!

#FCBlive #Barca

What you need to know from Napoli's last two matches:

- Very consistent 4-2-3-1 lineups.
- Napoli have been using inverted wingers with Insigne on the left & Politano on the right.
- Osimhen plays very high as a lone striker.

#FCBlive #Barca

In the chance creation phase Napoli appear to play centrally.

This centrality, could be due the use of inverted wingers. Also note the slight dominance of the left half-space occupied by Insigne.

#FCBlive #Barca

Interestingly, if we use possession as a metric of ball dominance, Napoli have been the most ball dominant team in the Serie A this season.

They rank 10th across Europe's top 5 leagues combined.

#FCBlive #Barca

There are also noteworthy details in the EPV generated by Napoli's individual players through passes & carries.

Osimhen is by far Napoli's most dangerous ball carrier. In terms of passing, Napoli have a good balance of threat creation between left & right sided players.


To finish, the question to you. With Dani Alves not registered for the Europa League who do you start at right back.

Would you continue with Dest, maybe try Nico or something else entirely?

Let me know your ideas. Thanks for reading!

#FCBlive #Barca

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