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Feb 17, 2022, 10 tweets

Today, we go on a short Art History tour! India has several unique painting styles - one of which is Kalighat Paintings. Started in a small scale by artists around the Kalighat temple in Calcutta to be taken back as souvenirs by the devotees, today its an art form by itself!


As one would expect, it started mainly with mythological themes but over time interest grew & even daily life started getting depicted. British interest grew & today many of the Kalighat paintings are in museums in Britain. Lets look at a few of them

Ravana & Hanuman c 1880

You can see an unique range of locally available colours and simple but beautiful designs

Duryodhana fighting Bheema

Kali holding demon's head

Narasimha killing Hiranyakashibu

Daily Life - A fighting couple

Barber cleaning a woman's ear

Cat stealing a prawn

Ganesha (At the National Museum, Wales)

Its quite cheap to get a Kalighat painting for yourself on your next visit to Kolkata. Its quite fun and you can roam around different shops to make your selection.

Thats a short tour of a interesting piece of Indian art history for you! Share if you liked it & follow for more

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