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Canada is about$1.5 Trillion in the hole because of Trud, he let the the virus in, No vaccines, just lies, cover-ups.... I am voting CPC - you should too.

Feb 17, 2022, 8 tweets

@theJagmeetSingh u hv backed Trudeau every step of the way.
You formed an alliance after the 2019 election.
You have no credibility and shame on you for backing the EA.

HE HAS REPRESENTED @liberal_party SINCE 2019
@theJagmeetSingh is not representing CANADIANS
HE IS PROTECTING HIS PENSION, his expensive watches & suits

@theJagmeetSingh has lost confidence in democratic Sihks in Canada

Like @CanadianPM this @theJagmeetSingh is a hypocrite

Like his master. @theJagmeetSingh stones PMJT outside Parliament - but graciously supports inside the House of Commons - there's your hypocrite. @NDP @OntarioNDP @bcndp @albertaNDP that is why provincial NDP want him out

Actions speak louder than words. Stop pontificating until you grow a pair & vote against master @JustinTrudeau I am surprised your caucus hasn't got rid of you yet. @NDP Canada knows where you stand Jag, in Trudeau shadow with your hand out for tax $ and a chance at a headline.

Criticizing @CPC_HQ for no reason other than your own political gain, stating they did nothing to help Cdns re Covid is totally false. Of course Cdns believe it due to pd media by Liberals to promote themselves. #TrudeauMustGo

Resign or do the right thing and stop this madness in it’s tracks.

I once supported your party and what it stood for. You and the provincial NDP have stood by and watched the largest transfer of wealth in history while claiming to support the working class.

You’re a disgrace.

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