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FR : @LaScienceDAbord Together against misinformation. #ScienceUpFirst / #LaSciencedAbord

Feb 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Misinformers often present only 2 choices. This or that.

But two seemingly opposite ideas can be true! 🤝

Come with us on a journey across the pandemic’s most popular false dichotomies. 🗺️ And learn how the world is more nuanced than this vs that.


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Why bother with masks if you have the vaccine? 💉

Protecting yourself isn’t an either/or situation.

Both vaccines AND masks help protect you and everyone around you from disease. Who doesn’t want that?


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We often hear that we have to pick between public health and the economy. 👨🏽‍⚕️ / 💰

But, while the pandemic has hurt the economy, these measures also protect it. A healthy economy needs healthy people!


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“Why do we talk about vaccines more than eating your veggies?” 🥕🥬

Healthy diet and exercise do lead to better health and well being. Which we love!

Vaccines prevent severe outcomes from COVID-19. Which we ALSO love!


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We’re not ignoring COVID-19 treatments. Researchers are continuing to look for new ways to treat COVID-19 and save lives. 🔬

But an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Vaccines can stop you from needing treatment.


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We love to see discussions about vaccine equity. COVID-19 is a global problem that needs work on a global scale. 🌎

But skipping your booster because that vaccine dose is needed elsewhere won’t help. The dose is already here.


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Yes. We are also unhappy with the restrictions from the pandemic. ScienceUpFirst also likes eating in restaurants and going to concerts! 😲

But we still listen to science.

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Who here is tired of the pandemic! 🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️

Being tired doesn’t mean you should give up on the things that are helping us get out of this pandemic faster and safer.

What other pandemic false dichotomies have you heard?



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