Thread of clips from my conversation with @hsu_steve. On Russian advances in hypersonic missiles.
What would a war with Russia in Europe look like? "I don't think there's any way they're going to defend NATO headquarters if the Russians want to take it out with a missile...Same thing with supply and fuel, stockpiles in Western Europe, the main ports."
“The theory in the Cold War was you weren’t going to match Russians man-to-man...What the US had was nuclear weapons...What you’re telling me is that Russia still has the manpower advantage in Europe, it also has an overwhelming advantage in the air..through its missile systems”
A transcript of the whole conversation here, with a link to the video and audio.…
I asked Steve about the future of Chinese science. He’s very optimistic. Human capital plus numbers.
On the Chinese government as a meritocracy. One might compare to the US, which got rid of standards in hiring for the federal government because they are “racist.”
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