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Feb 18, 2022, 6 tweets

Saccos are fast in releasing annual reports!

These are a few things we learned from the Safaricom Sacco [@SafaricomSacco] financial statements for year ended 31st Dec 2021:

1. The AGM was held on 12th February 2022.

2. Their leadership team:

3. They are in year 20 of operations:

4. Loan types and uptake:

5. Financial performance:

- KES 73M to paid in dividends
- Asset base grows to KES 8.7B [+16% YoY]
- Member deposits of KES 6.8B [+13% YoY]
- Total Loans of KES 6.2B [+11% YoY]
- Revenues up 5.6% to KES 815.9M
- Profit up 21% to KES 286.9M
- Net Margins of 35%

6/6 Full report for you to read:…

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