City of Joburg Profile picture
Official account for the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

Feb 18, 2022, 10 tweets

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are the backbone of any economy, and require useful support if they are to succeed. We encourage entrepreneurs to come through to our Opportunity Centres across our Joburg regions #JoburgEnterprises #JoburgWorks ^NB

If you want to take your small business to the next level, the resources available for free at the City’s opportunity centres are the best way to start #JoburgEnterprises

Joburg’s opportunity centres offer unemployed people across the municipality a platform to register on the City’s jobseeker database, including enrolling for capacity-building courses to prepare them for job interviews #JoburgEnterprises #JoburgVacancies ^NB

The nine Opportunity Centres laid out across all quadrants of the metro are designed to assist small,medium&micro enterprises (SMMEs)develop a long-term viability strategy through a series of training courses like business planning &supply chain management #JoburgEnterprises ^NB

They also offer pre-start, start-up, and existing businesses’ advice on the importance of adequate planning. Another benefit is that opportunity centres afford businesses access to boardrooms for meetings, presentations, or interviews #JoburgEnterprises ^NB

Cllr Nkululeko Mbundu, the MMC for Economic Development, encourages residents to use Opportunity Centres in their region. "As single points of contact for SMMEs and job seekers, our opportunity centres play a significant role in the reduction of unemployment," #JoburgEnterprises

Opportunity Centres are open every Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
#JoburgEnterprises ^NB

You can now register your business as a city supplier ONLINE

Apply to be accredited and registered on our Supplier Database

Please use the following link for registration:…

#JoburgEnterprises ^NB

Alex Automotive Hub Situated in the heart of Alex, the hub is poised to be the Centre for skills transfer and economic opportunities #JoburgEnterprises ^NB

Visit our website… to view current RFQs (Request For Quotations ) and Tenders #JoburgEnterprises #JoburgWebsite ^NB

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