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Feb 18, 2022, 6 tweets

A major highlight of the virtual summit was the signing & exchange of the India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

It will provide significant benefits to Indian & UAE businesses, including enhanced market access & reduced tariffs.


@PiyushGoyal The agreement will further push the 'Make in India' initiative, infrastructural investments and over 110 service sectors.


@PiyushGoyal The agreement lists down safeguarding mechanisms to protect the domestic industry.

@PiyushGoyal India's youth, startups, MSMEs & exporters will highly benefit from UAE’s location as a strategic gateway to the Middle East, Africa, Europe and other regions.


@PiyushGoyal The agreement will cover a spectrum of emerging opportunities for women & children.


@PiyushGoyal A breakthrough achievement for the Pharma sector! For the first time in a trade agreement, a separate Annex on Pharmaceuticals has been incorporated to facilitate access to Indian pharmaceutical products.


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