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Mech Engineer, inventor, CFA investment mgr, PhD Marine Biologist, bike fitter, triathlete, lead guitarist: Irredeemables, dad, PANDA ExCo science coord.

Feb 19, 2022, 9 tweets

Something's rotten in Scotland, and it's not the haggis. PHS (Public Health Scotland) has now decided that it's CRUCIAL to adhere to best practices in data presentation and analysis. As such, they will stop reporting data by vaccination status. And I found something very 🐟y 🧵

Man, does PHS have REASONS tho to stop reporting by vax status! Many of these have been analyzed in excellent articles I will link below. But they suddenly seem seriously concerned about non-comparable cohorts, a veritable standard of C19 "The Science".

"Bully", you say? "Good for them, standing up for scientific rigor!" Except they only gained science religion once the data weren't looking so great for the vax mandate crowd. And the sources of "data rot" are many they say. One of which is shown here.

That's right, the sample size is too small among those pesky folks not "up to date" on their vax. (Tell that to Pfizer). This phrase appears twice in the final report…

Except I don't think the sample size is small at all. You were expecting like 48 people right? How does 1.5 Million sound (of a 5.5 M pop)? Yes that is their small population (for deaths). 1.5 Milllllionnn!

This is their mortality data. See what I mean? Also note the 2 dosers' mortality rate doesn't look so hot vs unvaxed. If 1.5 M doesn't cut it for sample size, what should we make of Pfizer's 21k sample size? There's something else interesting here too...

Look at the raw numbers of deaths. The 3 dose pop size is 2x the unvaxed, but the deaths are ~4x. But the "age-standardized mortality rate" is about 1/8th when the raw numbers make it look like it is 2x: Twice the pop, 4x the deaths, 1/8 death rate. "standardized" I guess...

But if the "standardization" shifts the rates that much, why doesn't it for 1 and 2 dose. There the rates approx match raw numbers. Approximately - not perfect of course but not off 16x like the mortality rates for the vaxed appear to be.

Somebody tell me what I am missing here. It's Friday night 🍷🍻.
Articles with more info (not this particular issue tho):……

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