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Feb 19, 2022, 6 tweets

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Did you know Africa is home to half the world’s gold and one-third of all minerals?

We map the continent’s natural resources 👇


The world extracted some 17.9 billion tonnes of minerals in 2019, according to The World Mining Congress, while Africa produced 1 billion tonnes of minerals worth $406bn.


Beneath the surface of Africa lies a wealth of mineral resources of enormous value.

These are the most abundant resource for each African country per tonne of production.


Most of the electronics we use today are based on a number of minerals – from aluminium to zinc.

In 2021, around 1.5 billion smartphones were sold worldwide.


South Africa makes the most money from its mineral resources. Nigeria comes in second, followed by Algeria, Angola and Libya.

These 5 countries produce over two-thirds of Africa’s mineral wealth.


Here's more on what you need to know about Africa’s natural resources 👇

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