Mir Mohammad Alikhan Profile picture
A Wall Street Investment Bank Founder Who Stands Firmly For Palestine. Yes, You Read It Right.

Feb 19, 2022, 10 tweets

A Thread.

1. Last night In a Space my mouth went dry talking in favour of #AuratMarch. After the #NoorMuqqaddam incident I forgot about everything and encouraged every person to stand by every woman UNCONDITIONALLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY.

Because I thought AM was


Women causes.

2. Today I wake up to a different reality. Everything somehow relates to a political movement. Looks like a political party is speaking for political causes instead of Women Causes.

3. Here is an example.

Opposition to death penalty ? Women can be


Butchered. Raped. Abused and cut to pieces by sick men but those sick men should not be punished with punishments that speak loud and clear ? Is this “Stockholms’ Syndrome” ? Do we not want these sick bastards to stop ?

4. Defamation laws should be repealed ? WTH


We should demand absolute opposite. Women are being abused on Social Media by sick men. Sick trolls. Women are being defamed. Women are being harassed. If defamation laws are decriminalised then it would be like giving a license for men to abuse women online and defame them


5. Austerity has gutted public health ?

Billions of rupees have been spent on Ehsaas program and #SehatCard where even the poorest can get treatment. This was impossible earlier. Poor and the elite in the same hospital must bother many.


6. Where in Pakistan have people migrated to based on climate change ? What are these people even talking about ?

Housing for all ? 100’s of billions are being spent for low income housing for the socioeconomically disadvantaged people. 65 billion already lent by banks.


7. State should hold itself accountable ?

What the heck should the terrorists do then ? Jump with joy and blow themselves up and kill innocent people ? Where is it it evidence of it all for the state to examine ?


8. Privatisation is a women issue ? What has been privatised so far ? Unprecedented inflation is a result of global supply chain clog and less production in factories and yen other reason.

Yes. Inflation should be controlled but what the heck does it have to do with


Privatisation and women’s issues ?

9. Lahore’s pollution is a cumulative disaster of 37 years of wrong environmental policies. Where do you link it to the women’s issues ? Your mandate is women’s issues not political point scoring.

Please please please. We all stand


With our women. We all support women’s rights. In every manner. DO NOT Turn this into a political circus.

Your demands are political and nothing to do with job equality. Property rights. Equal pay. Punishments etc etc.

You will lose all support. ALL.


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