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Official account for the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

Feb 19, 2022, 8 tweets

#JoburgLIVE The Commemoration of the Sinking of the SS Mendi Troopship is being streamed live on Facebook 👇🏾 #JoburgCares #SSMendiTroopship ^GZ


The focus of the commemoration of the #SSMendiTroopship is on the 300+ men, as well as their comrades from South Africa, that went down into the icy sea over 104 years ago on the 21st of February in 1917 #JoburgCares ^GZ

The #SSMendiTroopship commemoration pays homage to South African soldiers and British crew members who died aboard the military steamship, the SS Mendi, on the 21st of February in 1917 #JoburgCares ^GZ

The Mendi Memorial at the Avalon Cemetery in Soweto was built in memory of the soldiers who died during the sinking of the ship in February 1917. May they never be forgotten 🚢 #SSMendiTroopship #JoburgCares ^GZ

The men who boarded the SS Mendi in February 1917, paid the ultimate sacrifice having offered their services and lives during the First World War, over one hundred years ago #SSMendiTroopship #JoburgCares ^GZ

The monument at the Avalon Cemetery in Soweto was unveiled in 1995 by Former President Nelson Mandela and Queen Elizabeth II, to remind us of the fallen South African and British soldiers 🚢 #SSMendiTroopship #JoburgCares ^GZ

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