Potamopotos 🇩🇰 Profile picture
Lutheran farmer, father, beekeeper, theologian🇩🇰 GUD ALENE ER MIT HÅB Sanctus Brochmand pro nobis orat Hosting @YT ⬇ https://t.co/68mGLnFU38

Feb 19, 2022, 5 tweets

Since we're on a good king Christian the 4th streak then let me present Frederiksborg (Frederik's Castle (name after his father)) and the castle church.

Build in 1606–17 by our great Lutheran monarch

It was also in this church that our monarchs were anointed as kings

by the archbishop. To mention one example, king Frederik the 2nd was anointed by, yours truly, Jesper Brochmand, in 1648

Here's the Castle Church

The majestic organ

The alter and the pulpit to the right

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