Bill Newton 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️🍉 Profile picture
Union Man. Actor. IG: NillBewton TikTok: NillBewton

Feb 19, 2022, 12 tweets

@peggy_blair here's another...

@peggy_blair and another

@peggy_blair ALL of these with the music of the brilliant @jayandmolly Jay Unger who wrote the piece "Ashokan Farewell" --- (Jay, I will delete these if you wish, apologies for not contacting you about it prior)

@peggy_blair @jayandmolly Jay UNGAR, gah, apologies for the misspelling!

@peggy_blair by popular demand, and hot off of @peggy_blair's sharp wit, here are more #DearestMartha missives

@peggy_blair apparently there's one that shows an error for people so here it is just in case: #DearestMartha #canadiantiremoney

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