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🦋. 🐻****🔫 Nothing I say is financial advice. My tweets are just my opinions. I know nothing.

Feb 19, 2022, 13 tweets

(1/?) So, I've been on this $MMAT rollercoaster for almost a year now. I'll admit it...I'm a GP fanboy. I wait for his tweets and dissect them looking for any deeper meaning I can find because I truly believe he's trying to tell us something without saying it when he tweets.

(2/?) Right around the time of the merger, I started noticing a lot of 2s being used in many of GP's tweets and StockTwits. I also noticed that either he or the @Metamaterialtec account rarely ever misses tweeting on the 22nd of any given month. Below are a few of my favs. $MMAT

(3/?) Then came the news that $MMAT had acquired @NTS_Corp which came with the news that the company already had a banknote security contract (C$52.7 Million) in place with a "confidential customer." The #METAfam quickly dug in and identified that customer as the US BEP.

(4/?) Long story short, we find out that @NTS_Corp wins some awards for their awesome tech, $MMAT wishes us Happy Holidays on Wednesday 12/22 (2 days till Christmas) and they also inform us that they will be showcasing their banknote security tech at this conference in DC.

(5/?) In early Feb, GP asks us to guess which famous painting @Metamaterialtec 's NIL technology is depicting. Many people guessed Harriet Tubman but many others guessed it was "Girl with a Pearl Earring." Last night I saw this video linked below tweeted.

(6/?) Over the last week or so the tweets picture below caught my eye and really got me thinking of GP's infatuation with the #2 and time. They also got me thinking about two of his tweets in particular. $MMAT

(7/?) First was this @Metamaterialtec tweet were $MMAT informed us that they were presenting banknote security in DC from 2/21 - 2/24. The second was this tweet of Mr. T where I think he was telling @KerrisdaleCap and all the rest of the shorts that they are running out of time.

(8/?) I started reading some articles about Banknote Security and one in particular really caught my eye. It was one (title pictured below) stating that US Treasury has confirmed that Harriet Tubman will eventually take her place on the US $20 bill. Interesting right? $MMAT

(9/?) But what really caught my attention was a few paragraphs in particular. All 5⃣of the US dollar denominations are set to change but they each have a different projected release year. That might explain the 5-year Nanotech contract with the BEP. $MMAT…

(10/?) The #METAfam is strong...we know what we hold and we're not going anywhere. Note, I'm definitely not claiming I found all this DD on my own. Many awesome people make up the METAfam and we all play our part. $MMAT @Metamaterialtec

(12/12) had a couple people on Reddit point out some other interesting thoughts. See pics and linked article. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that as a Greek native, this stuff apparently resonates with GP. $MMAT…

(13/13) 222 long investors. 😂 🦋 $MMAT

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