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Feb 19, 2022, 12 tweets

Since we are proud new users of the @unusual_whales platform!🐳

We wanted to introduce ourselves and make sure everyone knows how to utilize the #flow properly!🌊💦

Down blow ;) you will find all you need to know👇

What Does Volume Mean?🎛️

-Volume is simply the number of shares traded in a particular stock, index, or other investment over a specific period of time.

What does Open Interest Mean?🌊

-Open interest is the total number of outstanding derivative outright contracts, such as options or futures that have not been settled. Open interest equals the total number of bought or sold contracts, not the total of both added together.

What does Premium mean?💵

-Option Premium stands for the current market price of an option contract.

So... If you times the SIZE by the SPOT price, that leaves you with the amount of PREMIUM paid.

In this case, it would be
$2,034 (spot) x 141 (size) = $287k (premium)

What does Size mean?

-Size equals the total amount of contracts being bought.

What does SPOT mean?

-The Spot price is the current price in the marketplace at which a given asset—such as a security, commodity, or currency—can be bought or sold for immediate delivery.

Basically, it is the price paid for the contract.

In this case $20.34 x 100 = $2,034

What is the BID and what does it mean?

-The first price is called the “BID” or sell price, and it's the price at which you could sell the option. If you had purchased a call option two weeks ago and were now ready to sell it back for a profit, you would look at the bid price.

What is the ASK and what does it mean?

-The second price is the “ASK” or buy price. That is the price at which you can buy an option.

The difference between the BID and ASK price is called the “spread.”

What does Underlying mean?

-"Underlying" refers to the price of the Stock when the contracts were bought or sold.

So... $SPY underlying price was $434.64 when the contracts were bought or sold.

What does DTE mean?

-DTE stands for "Date To Expiration"

For example, the first two orders have 27 days until they expire.

What does Side & Contract mean?

-"Contract" simply stands for the contract that was bought or sold.

For example on the first line... someone bought a PUT at the $450 strike that expires on 3/18/2022.

What does Time & Ticker mean?

-This simply stands for what Stock was bought/sold and When it was bought/sold.

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