Fuad Alakbarov ⁠⁠ Profile picture
Political Commentator. Journalist. Interests: South Caucasus, Central Asia, Football. Bylines: @openDemocracy, @Jerusalem_Post, @JamestownTweets, @DailySabah

Feb 20, 2022, 11 tweets

Thread. Ukraine war scenarios

Eastern Ukraine Scenario (Stratfor)

Coastal Scenario (Stratfor)

Land Bridge Scenario (Stratfor)

Possible Russian Invasion Routes (CSIS)

Russian seizure of Ukraine up to the Dnepr river

Linking Russia with Crimea and Transdniestria (CSIS)

Russian seizure of Ukraine past the Dnepr river (CSIS)

Russia's possible axis of invasion (British Ministry of Defence)

U.S. government assessment of possible Russian attack routes

Six routes to take over the eastern flank and 50 percent of Ukraine’s military (U.S. government)

Two routes to surround the capital Kyiv (U.S. government)

A route to create a land bridge to Moldova and control much of the Black Sea coast (U.S. government)

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